Our Team

Each Member of the Team is a Fundamental Piece In Our Project.

Benito Liendo

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Florida

Benito Liendo Fundador y Director The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando Florida

Currently Founder, Director and Professor The Nucleus Orchestral Program Florida.

Venezuelan cellist with more than 30 years of artistic experience. He trained at the Latin American Violoncello Academy with teachers Valmore Nieves, Horacio Contreras, and William Molina.

Eukaris Anaholi

Directora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Venezuelan lawyer, specializing in International Maritime Law. From a very young age, starting at 7, she was part of El Sistema de Orquestas de Venezuela in the San Felipe Nucleus, Yaracuy State, studying the violin with Maestro Samuel Parra.

Katherine Rivas Fuentes

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Texas

She is a Venezuelan flutist with an outstanding career in the world of music.

Rivas has been part of significant orchestras and musical groups, from the National System of Children and Youth Orchestras of Venezuela, including the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra conducted by Maestro Gustavo Dudamel (2005-2016), to the Jalisco Philharmonic in Mexico (2016-2021).

Enn René Diaz

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Texas

Desde los 13 años, Díaz ha cautivado al público con recitales, música de cámara y conciertos como solista en escenarios de Venezuela, México, Canadá, Francia, Suiza, Alemania y Estados Unidos.

Su participación en cursos de violonchelo y música de cámara incluye la participación en la VIII edición internacional de la Academia Bach dirigida por Helmuth Rilling y el Curso de Verano Domaine Forget en Québec, Canadá, entre otras experiencias de gran prestigio.

Benito Liendo Fundador y Director The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando Florida

Benito Liendo

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Florida

Currently Founder, Director and Professor The Nucleus Orchestral Program Florida.

Venezuelan cellist with more than 30 years of artistic experience. He trained at the Latin American Violoncello Academy with teachers Valmore Nieves, Horacio Contreras, and William Molina.

Eukaris Anaholi

Directora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Venezuelan lawyer, specializing in International Maritime Law. From a very young age, starting at 7, she was part of El Sistema de Orquestas de Venezuela in the San Felipe Nucleus, Yaracuy State, studying the violin with Maestro Samuel Parra.


Katherine Rivas Fuentes

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Texas

She is a Venezuelan flutist with an outstanding career in the world of music.

Rivas has been part of significant orchestras and musical groups, from the National System of Children and Youth Orchestras of Venezuela, including the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra conducted by Maestro Gustavo Dudamel (2005-2016), to the Jalisco Philharmonic in Mexico (2016-2021).

Enn René Diaz

Director The Nucleus Orchestral Texas

From the age of 13, Diaz has captivated audiences with recitals, chamber music, and solo concerts across venues in Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, France, Switzerland, Germany, and the United States.

His involvement in cello and chamber music courses included participation in the Bach Academy’s VIII international edition directed by Helmuth Rilling and the Domaine Forget Summer Course in Québec, Canada, among other esteemed experiences.


Want to make a difference?

We want to provide musical scholarships to children and young people to be part of our orchestra “The Nucleus Orchestral”