Teachers Florida

Cada Miembro del Equipo es una Pieza Fundamental En Nuestro Proyecto.

Nohirely Mosquera

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Marielianny Barreto

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Marielianny Barreto Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Professional with experience teaching children with disabilities seeking a challenging position within the field of education in Orlando.

Juan Sebastian Aguilar

Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Juan Sebastian Aguilar Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral

Gabriela Ibarra

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Alejandro Quilarque

Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Alejandro Quilarque Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral Florida

Nohirely Mosquera

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Florida

Marielianny Barreto

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Professional with experience teaching children with disabilities seeking a challenging position within the field of education in Orlando.

Marielianny Barreto Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Juan Sebastian Aguilar

Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Gabriela Ibarra

Profesora The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Alejandro Quilarque Profesor The Nucleus Orchestral Florida

Alejandro Quilarque

Teacher The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Oriana Criollo

Teacher The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando

Violist and musician since I was 10 years old, part of the National System of Orchestras and Youth and Children’s Choirs of Venezuela.

Oriana Criollo. Teacher Violin The Nucleus Orchestral Orlando.

Si quieres colaborar con una organización para generar impacto real en nuestros niños, únete a nuestro programa de donación.